Site Map diagram for Mobile based application. App is split for two groups of intended users
Site Map diagram of web-based application.
Site Map definition of templates which outline and describe basic features.
Feature Value Matrix used to outline and prioritize all features with benefit analysis for both the user and the business.
Collaborative session with team members: Card Sorting, Storyboarding, Way-finding, Taxonomy and Wireframing with multiple iterations were developed and discussed throughout the day.
Competitive analysis evaluates the overall purpose, strengths and weaknesses of the UX features of this competitor site.
Personas of both students and professionals were created after conducting and analyzing responses to surveys and questionnaires.
Process Flow Diagram shows how the User Dashboard functions around various decision points
User flow diagram which shows how the user would navigate the product based on various decision points.
Application map for assessing scope of business organization, patterns, behavior and requirements of product segmentation.